Gaining Muscle Fast: How To Build A Massive Back

I am constantly amazed at how far off-base most people in the gym really are. Almost everyone is desperate to figure out the key to gaining muscle fast, but few people really know how to properly channel their efforts to achieve their goals.

To most lifters, it's all about building a huge chest and arms. They drive themselves hard every week with bench presses and barbell curls trying to get maximum growth in these two areas.

Obviously, their dream of gaining muscle fast doesn’t happen.

Although gaining muscle fast in your arms and chest seems like a big deal for creating a good physique, these muscles don’t do that much if you compare them to other major muscle groups.

The muscles of the back: traps, lats, spinal erectors, rhomboids, and lower back muscles are so much more important.

It’s pretty clear why these muscles get neglected by most lifters….

1) The back is not one of the “showy” muscles and you can’t even admire it in a mirror.
2) Back training is much more stressful and taxing as compared to training the chest or arms.
3) Most lifters don’t have any idea of the importance of these muscles and their development.

If you want to know a secret…. A well developed back is what will make you look wide, thick, and powerful in a short span of time.

70% of your upper body muscle mass is located in your back!

If you want a strong, thick upper body, all you need are bulging lats and wide trapezius muscles that can be obtained by gaining muscle fast on your back.

If you want a truly impressive back, you need to get off the bench press, put down the EZ curl bar, and learn about an uncomplicated, step-by-step workout plan that will really help you in gaining muscle fast.

Check out these four major movements that will properly develop your back muscles….

1) Deadlifts
I cannot emphasize the importance of this lift enough. If you need to be gaining muscle fast, there is nothing that comes close to matching the power of a basic, bent-legged barbell deadlift.

The deadlift gives your entire body a workout and is the most instrumental exercise in developing a strong and thick back. The deadlift stimulates growth throughout the entire back complex and is the cornerstone of any effective bodybuilding routine.

2) A vertical pulling movement
You want to target your lats and get that v-tapered look from behind, don’t you? Try chin-ups (overhand or underhand), lat pull downs, and v-bar pull downs.

If your goal is gaining muscle fast, I’d go with the basic overhand chin-up. This will stimulate growth in the lats like no other exercise.

3) A horizontal pulling movement
Often called “rows”, horizontal pulling movements put major stress on the upper/middle portion of the back and do quite a bit to stimulate your lats. Consider trying bent over barbell rows, dumbbell rows, seated machine rows, or cable rows.

Stick to a basic free-weight rowing movement when your goal is gaining muscle fast. I normally recommend bent over barbell rows, but bent over dumbbell rows are good, too.

4) A shrugging movement
Even though this is not as important for gaining muscle fast, using a shrugging movement at the end of the workout can help target the upper traps and develop a mountainous back. Simply use a basic barbell or dumbbell shrug.

In conclusion…. 

Deadlifts – 2 sets of 5-7.
Overhand Chin-Ups – 2 x 5-7 reps.
Bent Over Barbell Rows – 2 x 5-7 reps.
Barbell Shrugs – 2 x 10-12 reps.

You can get major gains in back size and strength with the above routine—it is ideal for gaining muscle fast.

Ultimately, if you take every set to muscular failure and emphasize quality instead of quantity, this routine provides gives you enough stimulation for maximum back growth, even though it doesn’t look like much. Personally, I've used this same routine for many years and still see steady progress in both back size and strength.

Maintain a log of your workouts and increase either the weight that you lift or the number of reps that you perform (within the given rep range) on a weekly basis.

If you perform this workout once a week, your upper body will be thicker, wider, and more muscular than it ever was.
Visit this link to learn more about building muscle.


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